This is an android application which visualizes all Satellites and Ground Station available on TinyGS server. This application has capability to perform geographical animations around the satellites and ground stations. To perform actions users need to have running Liquid Galaxy, android tablet and internet connection. This application has the following features:- Satellite A collection of satellites moving around the earth.- Ground Station A tiny ground station running with the help of LoRa boards and ground wave antenna. - Packets A signals received from satellite with the help of Ground Station or TinyGS.This application is developed as part of Google Summer of Code 2022 by Goutam Verma, with Merul Diman as mentor, and Andreu Ibañez, Mario Ezquerro as co-mentors.Lleida Liquid Galaxy LAB support: Pau FrancinoLiquid Galaxy Org Director: Andreu IbañezApp released by Alejandro Illán Marcos